Escapade is a new adventure park for extreme sports, opening in August 2015. Escapade needs a website to attract visitors to the adventure park.
The website must appeal to families and youth groups who plan to visit the adventure park.
The basis for the content and information for the website can be found in the ASSETS folder.
Overall site requirements
• Five pages:
º home page
º about us page
º activities page, which links to:
• tree tops escapade page
• junior escapade page.
• Facts about Escapade, which should be taken from the INFO.rtf file. This text may be edited.
• Images to be taken from the ASSETS folder, which may be edited.
• Accessibility features for visually impaired users.
• A consistent design across the website.
Other requirements
Page template
LOGO.png image can be found in the IMAGES folder.
A navigation bar linking to the three main pages. The navigation bar should contain:
• home page button (
background colour of button set to #3399cc)
• about us page button (background colour of button set to #ff6633)
• activities page button(background colour of button set to #ffcc33).
A footer including:
• a smaller version of the logo
• the email address linking to • the
Facebook icon linking to • the Twitter icon linking to
Facebook and Twitter icons can be found in the IMAGES folder.
File formats
Video file to be in .mp4 or .m4v format.
From the BROCHURE.png image create a graphical image that:
• shows only the front cover of the brochure
• rolls over to an image of just one other page from the brochure. The rollover image should be exactly the same size as the front
cover image
• is included on the activities page.
The BROCHURE.png image can be found in the IMAGES folder.
School trips
• contain information about school trips to Escapade
The information on school trips can be found in the INFO.rtf file. The SCHOOL_TRIPS.png can be found in the IMAGES folder.
How to find us
The HOW_TO_FIND_US.bmp image can be found in the IMAGES
The VIDEO.avi can be found in the ASSETS folder.
You must design and create a website for the Escapade adventure park.
You will need to create a page template to ensure consistency.
You must include the requirements specified in the client brief.
You should create a logical folder structure for your site files.
In Activity 2, you will need to explain your design decisions, justify your choices and suggest further improvements as part of your evaluation.
Activity 1
Design, build and test the website.
Note: you do not need to check any external links. (44)
Activity 2
Complete an evaluation of your website using the document EVALUATION.doc (6)
(Total for Task = 50 marks)